Sunday, March 18, 2007

Reunion ?

There has been this very interesting idea ( well interesting is not the right word. One should say freaking amazingly cool. To make better effect you can put a various mix of fuc*, shit and other swearing words in between :) ). No seriously it's bloody marvelous. It would really make my summer to see you guys again after all those ( 3 ) years. Shit, time runs fast.
Anyways, i think we need to approach this systematically so that it actually happens. In previous periods i have talked to various people. Often the idea of meeting with some of them was brought up. So for example last year in the middle of January i had serious intentions to meet some of my Second years. However as it always happens, real life comes in between and then in the middle of August you simply realise you are busy for the next two weeks and it ain't gonna happen.
I really don't want this to happen this time.
So let's see where are we at :
Problem no 1. Xiangming doesn't have a passport. We should encourage him to renew it as soon as possible.
Second thing is the time and date.
When are we meeting. There was idea of August. I was thinking about 2-3 weeks, depends how much time you guys have.
We should agree on definite date sometime soon, i think. What are your suggestions.
The second thing is the location. While we all agree it should be somewhere in our beloved Europe. We should be more exact though.
As far as i know Xiangming prefers UK.
Herman said he prefers Easteren Europe. This makes some sense, since everything is generally cheaper there.
However there is one limitation. Xiangming needs a Visa.
So basically this leaves us with 3 options.
a) We go to norway ( i don't think anyone 's for it, so we can just erase it )
b) UK and since it's in the Schengen area the rest of EU. We could also travel along somewhere. Although i would prefer chilling on a beach somewhere ;)
c) We go to Slovenia. If we decide for this option you could stay at my place, but you would get no luxury ;). We don't really have a guest room or anything like that (almost nobody has it here) so you would need sleeping bags. If that's not a problem then you are more than welcome. Or we can just visit some of the nice stuff in Slovenia. Although i must warn you Slovenia doesn't have much seacoast and it's no match for Croatia's islands, where most of Slovene population spends their holidays. Of course this isn't an option ( Xiangming's visa, remember )

My experience, bureaucracy is very slow. So we should decide soon and then one of us should fill in the forms so xiangming is going to be able to get his visa.

What are your thoughts on this ?

Chill out and respect !

And please do post something on this blog. It feels like it's mine and not FH102 at all...


Herman said...

UK is actually not in schengen i think? so if we go there, you can't go anywhere in Europe? i'm not 100% about this. but i know that the UK is outside the passport agreements. for instance, when i go to germany i dont need a passport - but i do when i go to UK.

slovenia would be really cool i think. we could also travel around a bit in the region. as for guestroom etc. etc. no need to worry andrej, would be cool to see your village - and we could of course bring sleeping bags. and when we go to lubjliana (can't spell it) i believe dorms or hostels would be quite cheap? no?

lets hear from matt and mr. wu.

andrejz said...

According to google UK is not in the Schengen area ( as well as Slovenia ). The only country inside is actually Norway.
Hostels in Ljubljana are reasobanly cheap i believe - you should be able to get away with about 15 € per person per night.

So Matt and xiangming, what are your opinions on this ?