Monday, March 12, 2007

Facebook ?

Well, i had no clue, which title should i give to this post, so i decided to rant why facebook doesn't want to import this blog ? As Xiangming would put it : Stupid. It's so stupid. Don't you understand ?
Seriously. I copy - pasted RSS feed link from my opera RSS Feed organizer ( yes it's true, i dual use Opera and Firefox. Unfortunately Firefox has one nasty bug with flash , and after some time i really started to like opera as well, so now i use both) and it refuses to work. I spent about 30 minutes on this, googled it thoroughly and still doesn't work. argghh. annoying.

If i decide to ignore previously mentioned annoyance ( and a couple of others )
i am close to perfect. I take all the exams very easily, with lowest possible level of stress and studying and it keeps on working out for me!
I have also been massively partying for the past two weekends. There was no good reason actually. But it was fun. The only annoying thing is always waking up for lunch and then feeling so tired for the rest of the day.

I decided to go to a para gliding course (yet another time). It's very annoying, cause there is nobody doing it in Ljubljana, which means i would need to drive about 80 km each day ( which is quite a bit for me ). I will try to get some time and just do it.

In the last couple of weeks i managed to fully regain this chill out feeling, which i had back at RCN but was somehow lost in the middle of exams, other school work, stress and time constraints.
It feels SO good.

Also i am looking forward to trip to Paris in the begging of April. It's gonna be so much fun. I am going with Katka, my co-year from RCN. I think it will be fantastic seeing her again. Paris is said to be lovely as well. It really fits into all this chilling out mode. I will write a couple of lines about this again at some point in life.

I started making plans for the summer ( that is where will i be chilling instead of working ). There is this idea of FH102 reunion somewhere this summer. I hope it happens. Stay tuned !

1 comment:

Herman said...

yeah! reunion. its the way forward.