Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Done with exams

Well, i am finally done with my exams. This last exam has been dragging on for almost a month. It really started getting on my nerves, so i decided to ignore untill yeserday at 10 pm ( yes, i haven't slept enough yet again, so i have been sleepy the whole day and left work early - another yet again :p).
Anyways, it's been a really strange feeling studying for this exam as the professor hasn't really explained things into depth but rather width, so i didn't feel like really getting into the subject and understanding but just read through it. It turned out all right though. It's been kinda funny sitting there ( 4 people had an oral examination simultaneously), everybody was so chilled, just as if i went for a drink with a couple of friends. A lovely feeling.
So now what ? Well, i guess i should go partying. But it doesn't make any sense, cause there would be no change in my life style. I am going out, having fun more than ever. I am doing different kinds of stuff, ranging from doing crazy stuff like swimming in cold water in the middle of the night ( imitation of the night fjord jumps ;), going to the cinema ( yeah, i actually do support the film industry, and i am proud of it. I go to the cinema at least 3 - 4 times for 1 movie i download to my computer and watch it there. I think this has become quite rare in the era when even in Slovenia broadband is becoming prevalent choice for internet connection.)

Oh, my cousin got married this Saturday. Apparently a lot of couples did, since it's 07/07/07 - three 7, should get you luck or something.. My comment to that is, thank God it's not 06/06/06, cause in that case it would be the end of the world :) ( although i did actually have a very difficult exam on that day).
Anyways, the wedding was lot's of fun. It was a bit of stressful ( not really ) when we had to catch this piece of cloth. The (un)lucky person who manages to catches it is supposed to marry next. Fortunately it wasn't me. But this has been the first of my cousins to get married, which reminded me i will be next at some point in the future. That's not so good, as i really don't want to get married in the next couple of years.

But we will see, how it goes, things change rapidly.

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