Saturday, October 28, 2006

Chinese restaurant

On Thursday i felt pretty hungry so i decided to go to a Chinese restaurant.

They have this very cool principle AYCA - All you can eat - as it says, eat as much as you can - pretty useful if you know you are not going to eat the rest of the day.
Also the price is quite acceptable ( about 2€ with state subvention - some of the student food is state subsidised, more on how the system works some other time).
Anyway, the restaurant seemed pretty Chinese to me - all the people working there where Chinese and most of them had serious problems attempting to communicate in Slovene - I really had a hard time understanding one of them - hey but in the end with a help of non-verbose communication the waiter managed to get the message through. I was wondering if they managed to get the menu right. They didn't. Made a couple of serious mistakes mostly related to noun gender ( in Slovene all nouns have a thing we call "gender" and it sounds a bit obscure if you mix it up - I don't exactly understand how some people manage - it just sounds so wrong.
Two of those mistakes were quite funny - and they got me to remember xiangming and his famous quotes.

P.S. I am using firefox 2.0 and must admit - this spell checker is pretty damn useful - it corrected more than 10 mistakes and typos in this post.
Also it can be very funny sometimes.

For example - for name Xiangming i got the following suggestions :

farming's :D

Have a nice day, wherever you are !

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