Hello ppl !
As usually i have managed to kept myself busy doing lots of different interesting stuff.
One of the more time consuming is running a webpage, reporting about the local events & stuff we do.
The address is www.zelnik.net, which in english would be "The Cabbage plot or something like that - can't really remember exactly how matt phrased it. But he'll be correcting me in the comments section, i believe so no worries..
Anyways there are news and the forums, which you cannot really help yourself with, since you don't know much slovene, however if you feel like practicing, then go on..
The nice thing, is that some minor parts are still in english, which helped matt to manage & look around the page, whithout much hussle, which made him happy bout his Serbian lessons, i believe :)
I suppose you must be asking yourself, why exactly i am bullshiting about the page..
Well, there happens to be a photo gallery, with loads of pictures ( bout 1000 ) i believe, and i am hanging round on loads of them.. ;) ( oh, and + matt has said the page was well designed.. )
Anyways, the newest photos are from our latest challenge..
Challenge basically means, do somethinig crazy, an adrenalin replacement for massive fjord jumps.. Well, sometimes we do some otherm usefull stuff for local community as well.. ( more UWC-ish kind of stuff - u imagine, i suppose .. )
Well, just about 20 minutes ago i have posted photos from the latest challenge..
I have eaten kg of snow at LEAST + it was in my trowsers, pocekts, behind my neck, everywhwre .. but shit it was fun, all the jumps, the acceleration.. shit this centripental force rox!
Anyways, they say pictures can say more than a 1000 words ( i actually think it's a chinese saying.. ), so
here they are..
enjoy.. :D